First impressions reviews: The Dawn of the World: Myths and Tales of the Miwok Indians of California, collected by C. Hart Merriam
As the title suggests, this is a collection primarily of creation myths told by the Miwok – a linguistic and cultural group of Indigenous people whose traditional territory stretches from San Francisco Bay and Sonoma to the central Sierra Nevada - compiled in the late 19 th century. Merriam was a biologist by training but became interested in Native cultures and concerned about the way they were being eroded by loss of land and language. I’ve tagged these tales as having Native authors, because they do appear to have been written down exactly as told. I do wish Merriam had noted down the name and something about the background of the person who told him the story, rather than just their sub-group affiliations, though, because there are a lot of variations and sometimes comments on recent events. I suspect that, as in many folklore traditions, every teller tended to add and subtract details around the core poi...