Anime/manga review: Seraph of the End
This series is a creative and emotional dark fantasy featuring a post-apocalypse world and a war between humans and vampires. Episode 1 drops you right into the drama, as a sudden plague devastates the adult human population. Vampires immediately move in and put the children of Tokyo, including 8-year old Yuichiro (‘Yu’) and Mikaela (‘Mika’), under their “protection”. A time-jump of four years reveals that the children serve as living blood banks within the vampire city of Sanguinem. Yu and Mika’s bond and their differing attitudes to their situation are immediately apparent, with Yu being more openly belligerent and defiant, while Mika is a gentle pragmatist, willing to bend as necessary to keep Yu and the rest of their adoptive orphan family safe. But Mika’s been secretly planning an escape plan…which goes badly wrong at the last moment, leading to Yu reaching the human world alone. We meet u...