Earthsea: Who has Prince Arren's heart?
My last two posts were about Ursula LeGuin's fantastic 'Earthsea' series. Books 1 and 2 introduce this rich world, the central characters of Ged and Tenar, and the recurring theme of identity; Books 3-5 ask and answer even more philosophical questions amid the adventures, and all our main characters get happy endings. Or, at least, they seem to. The possible exception is Prince Arren of Enlad/King Lebannen. To understand what I mean, it is important to remember what LeGuin establishes regarding wizards and romance in this series. First, because wizards believe their power to be enhanced by a singleminded focus, they cast a spell that basically makes a little asexual/aromantic bubble around themselves. However, that doesn't prevent strong bonds of admiration or friendship from forming that can be transformed into romantic feelings if the spell is ever removed - as happens f...