Re-read review: Good Omens, by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett

This book has been getting renewed interest lately due to the fantastic mini-series adaptation that came out in 2019 1 , and rightly so. Simultaneously a Cold War satire and a parody of the supernatural apocalypse movies that came out during that period, it is both hilarious and thought-provoking. Premise: The demon Crowley and the angel Aziraphale have been around since The Beginning 2 as agents of their respective sides, but neither has ever been particularly good at the black-and-white thinking their bosses favor. They even formed The Arrangement, according to which they avoid interfering with each other's activities and even swap jobs when it is convenient. Over the millennia they have become rather fond of the earth, and each other. So when Crowley is handed a basket containing the Antichrist, his immediate thought is to call Aziraphale and try to stop the end of the world from happening. Crowley propos...